Running your business and keeping up with technology trends

This post will help shed light on how critical it is to stay technologically up-to-date. Listing out and breaking down latest tech methods, concepts, solutions and best practices; no matter the field/industry you’re in, this is something just for you and your business/organization.

As previously pointed out in this post, whether you’re a fully fledged enterprise or mom and pop shop, what benefits you to go with older technology methods or implementations? Especially when the most recent cases and reports show that staying on top of the industry trends and advances is just as tried and true (tested and proven viable/legitimate).

CompTIA, Microsoft, Amazon, and nearly every other industry driven force, even the U.S. Government all have made it clear–with the constant growth of tech as a whole, newer tech being created, also newer cyber threats being introduced–staying with or ahead of the IT industry standard’s constant progression curve is the best way (if not only way) to go, at this point in time.

Stay tuned for more on this matter!

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